Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Well, I woke up this morning and my whole body was sore. I have never done a workout quite like this and it really kicked my ass. I feel even now as I'm typing this like I just have a layer of muscle added on to my whole body, it's like a constant pump.

But enough about that, I wanna talk a little about calories. If you guys thought that you ate a lot of food before, you are in for a big surprise. I only weigh 150 and I have to eat over 4000 calories a day according to Vince's calorie calculator he has in his program.

With going to school full-time, it's hard to find the time to eat every 3 hours and get enough calories to gain muscle, especially since I'm trying to eat relatively clean. I could get 4000 cals if I went to mcdonalds every day, but then I would just gain fat. I need to eat 4000 clean calories.

I'm sure most of the people reading this blog either work or go to school full-time, so finding ways to easily fit some extra calories in during the day would really help a lot, so over the next few days I'm going to be giving tips on things you can do to fit all those calories into your day.

Check back tomorrow for the first tip and to see how my second workout goes. Be sure to bookmark this page and check back for a new post every day.

Click Here! to check out Vince Del Monte's bodybuilding program!

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