Thursday, September 10, 2009

Squeezing Those Extra Calories In

Ok, a couple days ago I was saying how difficult it is for me to keep up with calories so I was thinking of some ways to squeeze in extra calories throughout the day. I was looking up high calories foods and found that peanuts are some of the most calorie dense foods around (most of you should already know that, though).

Just 1/4 cup of peanuts has 150 calories in it. That's literally less than a handful of peanuts that will give you a free 150 calories (not to mention 7 grams of protein).

Wednesdays are my "busy" days at school where I have classes pretty much the whole day so I don't have time to just sit down and cook and eat for most of the day. So I went out and bought a huge jar of honey roasted (just cuz they're my favorite) peanuts (which cost like 12$, nuts are expensive, but it will last for a long time) and put about 2 cups in a little sandwich bag and carried it around with me.

Throughout the day I just casually snacked on them and I ended up finishing the bag at like 4pm. Ok, so if just 1/4 cup is 150 calories then 2 cups is 1200 calories (that's also more than 50 extra grams of protein). Yeah, just little bites here and there throughout the day got me an extra 1200 calories and an extra 50 grams of protein.

Of course, this is just one of the many things you can do to get those extra calories in during the day, think of things you can do that cater to your life that can help you acheive your daily calories. Peanuts, fruit juices, protein bars and shakes, quick sandwiches, there's a lot of foods that are high in calories that are easy to carry around.

Put some of your calorie tricks in the comments below. At the end of the day today I'm going to give you my eating schedule for the day just to show you how I plan out my day and when I make my meals.

Be sure to bookmark this page so you can check back for updates.

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