Thursday, September 17, 2009

Last Three Rules

Ok, last post I gave you the first three rules you should follow if you want to get really good muscle gains, here's the last three that Vince uses in his program.

Rule #4 - You need to get rest. You only repair and gain muscle when you are resting, particularly while you are asleep, so sleep should be a big priority. You definitely want to maintain your social life, but not at the expense of sleep.

Get enough sleep, it's that simple.

Rule #5 - Technique. You've probably all seen a guy at the gym who is lifting a gargantuan amount of weight, but is swinging and flailing and using momentum all over the place just to get it up.

Don't do this. It's better to work the muscle correctly with less weight than to not work it at all by having improper form. If you don't know proper technique, ask someone. Most people will be more than happy to show you.

Rule #6 - Get a mentor. Someone who was exactly where you are. Someone who maybe had a hard time gaining weight, but now has a muscular body. He can be inspiration and motivation for you to achieve your goals and maybe give you some tips that worked for him.

Well, those are pretty much the basic rules for gaining a lot of muscle if you have trouble. Make sure to check back regularly for updates and as usual you can click the link below to take a look at Vince's program.

Click Here! to check out Vince Del Monte's program.

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