Sunday, September 6, 2009

My Journey Begins

Hey Guys, I'm making this blog because for the past 5 years (from the time I was 16) I have been trying to gain muscle and have, well, completely and utterly failed at it basically.
Before I begin I want to tell you a little bit about myself. Please note I'm not a professional writer so don't expect a literary masterpiece here.

I've done the workouts they have in the muscle mags, I've done routines from my big friends that work for them, I've tried experimenting with my own workouts, I've taken every protein shake, supplement and pill under the sun and nothing has worked. I've busted my ass to try and get big and nothing has worked.

My senior year of high school I weighed 135. Right now, three years later, I weigh 149. Yeah, three years of busting my ass in the gym and all I got was 14 pounds. That's less than 5 pounds a year, there are a lot of people who can make that in a month. And most of what I got wasn't even muscle, I was still going through puberty (I was a late bloomer).

After all these years I have finally decided I am fed up with it. I am going to do something about it. I started looking up workout programs on the internet and came across one from Vince Del Monte Fitness. It says that it's the number one selling muscle program out there and that when nothing else works, this will.

So I got it and now I am going to see if it can back up it's claims. I am going to be chronicalling my journey to (hopefully) getting big. I'll be updating daily, giving tips that I have found out along the way on things I am doing to make the process easier, posting a picture every 4 weeks so you can see my progress and giving you a little bit of insight into what the program and meal plans are like. It's Sunday right now, I start the program tomorrow so check back tomorrow to see what my first workout on this program is like.

Be sure to bookmark this page so you can check up on my updates.

Wish me luck,
Click Here! to check out the program I'm using.

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