Monday, September 28, 2009

Fiber...Yeah, It's That Important

Constipation!!!...Yeah, everyone goes through it at some point, bodybuilders more so than most people and I have to admit I'm a little backed up right now.

I went to the bathroom and pulled a little maneuver called the "I'm moving to Hollywood". This is where you waste a lot of time and put in a lot of effort and nothing comes out of it. *swish* I totally landed that joke.

But anyway, I've been focusing so much on protein lately I've forgotten about the other essentials, mainly fiber. It's so important to have a healthy digestive system, especially when you're trying to gain weight.

A lot of people don't know how much fiber they need in a day. Well, here's a little rule of thumb. You need about 14 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories you consume. So I eat a little over 4000 calories a day which means I need about 60 grams of fiber a day.

Looking back on my diet, I have not been getting near that much. So now I am forced to take a laxative pill. Oh well, this is my lesson to get my required fiber I guess.

Oh also, if you don't get enough fiber already, don't suddenly jump to having a lot of fiber, gradually increase every week until you're at your goal. If you do it too fast, you'll get digestive problems.

I put up a new post in the "Articles and Tidbits" section with more info on fiber. You can view it Here.

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